% cat <<eof


     Notes from my SDF Plan 9 Boot Camp endeavors.



     This was my first Boot Camp, and I have to say:
     what an awesome experience! Tons of new faces(1),
     several new friends, and a whole lot of fun the
     entire time. Thank you to everyone who participated
     – and especially our amazing host, ~smj, along with
     the actual host: SDF – for making it all possible.

     See you next time!

     Final Score — 98
     Prize — Raspberry Pi Zero W + goodies(!)
     Rank — tied for 1st w/ the following users:
          • ~moody — door stop prize winner
          • ~phlux — grand prize winner
          • ~spook — prize winner
          • ~thedaemon — prize winner
          • ~tsj — prize winner

challenge 1 — login, screenshot, and homepage it!

I started off by using drawterm from a few different Linux and BSD machines to connect to 9p.sdf.org. After getting myself all set up – running /sys/lib/newuser, preparing my site with mkhomepg, chatting a bit in bboard / com, and finding /dev/theme while poking around – I decided to make my first submission a bit fancy by messing with colors and setting the rioback value to the absolute path of an image. I grabbed a random wallpaper from my local machine via /mnt/term and converted it from a .png to the native format as described in image(6) with the following command:

 % png -9t <bridge.png >bridge.img

The screenshot was taken with:

 % topng </dev/screen >$home/html/screenshot-fall-2023.png

score: 29/29

bonus points: +3 — for presence at Tea Note #1

challenge 2 — face off? neinbook!

By this point I am using rcpu(1) to connect to 9p.sdf.org from a bare-metal install of 9front on a spare laptop I had kicking around. I used a drawing¹ that my best friend made for a Drawtober challenge as my face(6); it was converted to the native format with:

 % png -c blobstance.png | iconv -c m8 | resample -x 48 -y 48 >bubstance.1

and checked using tweak(1). After starting upas/fs and running faceoff, I ended up being the one to break the ice for this season on the plan9-l mailing list. Luckily, white seems to be transparent, meaning I get the full effect in my windowshot² taken with the following command (where was the window number for neinbook):

 % topng </dev/wsys/‽/window >$home/html/neinbook-fall-2023.png

score: 26/26

bonus points: +3 — for presence at Tea Note #2

  1. [blobstance.png] (~125KiB)
  2. [neinbook-fall-2023.png] (~5KiB)

challenge 3 — you've got the look!

Since the final challenge involved creating themes, I decided to make a finalized version of the one I used in the first challenge. The colors¹ are from rosé pine and the wallpaper is from Stardew Valley. This time around the screenshot² was taken with vshot from my local 9front machine, hence the border. Also themed are acme(1), faces(1), and winwatch(1).

score: 28/28

bonus points: +9 — for presence at Tea Note #4

  1. theme-fall-2023.txt
  2. [theme-fall-2023.png] (~461KiB)