iGOPHER Bookmarks i================ 7Search Gopherpedia /lookup gopherpedia.com 70 7Search Gopherspace w/ Veronica ][ /v2/vs gopher.floodgap.com 70 7Searx via Gopher /searx.dcgi me0w.net 70 i 1I am bored, give me a random link. /lawn/bored.dcgi bitreich.org 70 i 1Bitreich bitreich.org 70 iUrl: gopher://bitreich.org/1 1Bongusta! /bongusta/ i-logout.cz 70 iUrl: gopher://i-logout.cz/1/bongusta/ 1FloodFeeds Latest /feeds/latest gopher.floodgap.com 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/feeds/latest 1gopher.black gopher.black 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.black/1 1Gopher Pearls /pearls bitreich.org 70 iUrl: gopher://bitreich.org/1/pearls 1Gopherpedia gopherpedia.com 70 iUrl: gopher://gopherpedia.com/1 1Groundhog Weather /groundhog gopher.floodgap.com 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/groundhog 1Hacker News hngopher.com 70 iUrl: gopher://hngopher.com/1 1Hitori Dake no Renga - The Literate Anti-Comic /fun/hdnr/comics gopher.floodgap.com 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/fun/hdnr/comics 1MOAR - Massive Online Archive of Recipes /~bencollver/recipes tilde.pink 70 iUrl: gopher://tilde.pink/1/~bencollver/recipes 1Phrack Ezine Archive /Mirrors/Phrack gopher.fnord.one 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.fnord.one/1/Mirrors/Phrack 1Plan 9 from Gopherspace kamalatta.ddnss.de 70 iUrl: gopher://kamalatta.ddnss.de/1 1Port 70 News /Port70News 1436.ninja 70 iUrl: gopher://1436.ninja/1/Port70News 1quux.org gopher.quux.org 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.quux.org/1 1The Boston Diaries phlog.gopher gopher.conman.org 70 iUrl: gopher://gopher.conman.org/1/plog.gopher 1The Gopher Bay bay.parazy.de 666 iUrl: gopher://bay.parazy.de:666/1 1The Gopher Lawn /lawn bitreich.org 70 iUrl: gopher://bitreich.org/1/lawn 1The Gopherspace Cookbook /cookbook tellus.strangled.net 70 iUrl: gopher://tellus.strangled.net/1/cookbook 1Verisimilitudes verisimilitudes.net 70 iUrl: gopher://verisimilitudes.net/1